College ROI Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best-value Colleges for Philosophy religious

While studying philosophy may give you insight into the fundamental questions of being, knowledge, and action, and while studying religion may help you to understand religious texts, beliefs, doctrines, practices, and world views, that sort of knowledge isn’t likely to earn you millions after you graduate. For that reason, it’s important to make sure the school where you’re earning your degree will provide you with a solid return on investment. Use Payscale’s College ROI report to make sure you don’t start your career at a financial disadvantage.

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RankSchool Name20 Year Net ROI
Total 4 Year Cost
Graduation Rate
Typical Years to Graduate
Average Loan Amount
Rank:21School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$433,000Total 4 Year Cost:$125,000Graduation Rate:85%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$26,800
Rank:22School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$423,000Total 4 Year Cost:$153,000Graduation Rate:77%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$26,100
Rank:23School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$422,000Total 4 Year Cost:$285,000Graduation Rate:94%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$29,000
Rank:24School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$418,000Total 4 Year Cost:$315,000Graduation Rate:89%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$41,700
Rank:25School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$418,000Total 4 Year Cost:$172,000Graduation Rate:78%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$33,000
Rank:26School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$414,000Total 4 Year Cost:$85,900Graduation Rate:90%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$24,500
Rank:27School Name:
Boston College (Private)
20 Year Net ROI:$407,000Total 4 Year Cost:$319,000Graduation Rate:91%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$14,400
Rank:28School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$406,000Total 4 Year Cost:$111,000Graduation Rate:88%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$27,100
Rank:29School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$386,000Total 4 Year Cost:$231,000Graduation Rate:84%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$24,700
Rank:30School Name:20 Year Net ROI:$371,000Total 4 Year Cost:$107,000Graduation Rate:81%Typical Years to Graduate:4Average Loan Amount:$39,000

Some very well-known colleges and universities are rightly considered the best schools at which to study philosophy and religion, including Harvard University, Boston College, Yale University, Duke University and Princeton University. If you’re considering one of these schools, use our College ROI report to make sure you’re not raiding the collection plate for rent money after you graduate.