College Salary Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best Community Colleges in Missouri by Salary Potential

Borrowing to pay for your education? Make sure you’ll be able to pay off that debt. Check out Missouri’s top community colleges with the highest-paid graduates.

RankSchool NameSchool SectorEarly Career Pay
Mid-Career Pay
% High Meaning
% STEM Degrees
Rank:1School Name:Ranken Technical CollegeSchool Sector:Private not-for-profitEarly Career Pay:$60,100Mid-Career Pay:$87,100% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:1%
Rank:2School Name:Lincoln University (Missouri)School Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$59,000Mid-Career Pay:$83,000% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:6%
Rank:3School Name:Park UniversitySchool Sector:Private not-for-profitEarly Career Pay:$59,700Mid-Career Pay:$82,200% High Meaning:62%% STEM Degrees:10%
Rank:4School Name:Southeast Missouri Hospital College of Nursing and Health SciencesSchool Sector:Private not-for-profitEarly Career Pay:$57,300Mid-Career Pay:$81,200% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:0%
Rank:5School Name:Cox CollegeSchool Sector:Private not-for-profitEarly Career Pay:$54,700Mid-Career Pay:$78,700% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:0%
Rank:6School Name:State Technical College of MissouriSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$51,800Mid-Career Pay:$76,300% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:7%
Rank:7School Name:St Charles Community CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$52,100Mid-Career Pay:$75,400% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:11%
Rank:8School Name:Columbia College (Missouri)School Sector:Private not-for-profitEarly Career Pay:$48,600Mid-Career Pay:$74,600% High Meaning:55%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:9School Name:Missouri Western State UniversitySchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$51,400Mid-Career Pay:$73,600% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:9%
Rank:10School Name:Metropolitan Community College-Kansas CitySchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$50,000Mid-Career Pay:$73,200% High Meaning:57%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:11School Name:Missouri Southern State UniversitySchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$49,800Mid-Career Pay:$72,300% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:8%
Rank:12School Name:Saint Louis Community CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$49,100Mid-Career Pay:$71,600% High Meaning:70%% STEM Degrees:6%
Rank:13School Name:Jefferson CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$50,400Mid-Career Pay:$71,400% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:3%
Rank:14School Name:East Central CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$47,200Mid-Career Pay:$70,000% High Meaning:64%% STEM Degrees:5%
Rank:15School Name:State Fair Community CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$49,300Mid-Career Pay:$69,000% High Meaning:64%% STEM Degrees:3%
Rank:16School Name:North Central Missouri CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$48,200Mid-Career Pay:$68,200% High Meaning:82%% STEM Degrees:0%
Rank:17School Name:Missouri State University-West PlainsSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$46,300Mid-Career Pay:$67,700% High Meaning:74%% STEM Degrees:0%
Rank:18School Name:Mineral Area CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$45,300Mid-Career Pay:$66,800% High Meaning:65%% STEM Degrees:1%
Rank:19School Name:Crowder CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$47,300Mid-Career Pay:$66,100% High Meaning:57%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:20School Name:Three Rivers CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$42,700Mid-Career Pay:$66,000% High Meaning:75%% STEM Degrees:1%
Rank:21School Name:Moberly Area Community CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$43,300Mid-Career Pay:$65,300% High Meaning:47%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:22School Name:Southeast Missouri State UniversitySchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$43,200Mid-Career Pay:$64,700% High Meaning:-% STEM Degrees:13%
Rank:23School Name:Ozarks Technical Community CollegeSchool Sector:PublicEarly Career Pay:$44,300Mid-Career Pay:$62,600% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:7%

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