College Salary Report

Updated 2024

College Salary Report

Best Colleges in Minnesota by Salary Potential

Before you enroll, find out what salary your bachelor’s degree could earn. Check out this list college ranking by graduate salary in Minnesota.

Bachelor's Only
All Alumni
RankSchool NameSchool TypeEarly Career Pay
Mid-Career Pay
% High Meaning
% STEM Degrees
Rank:1School Name:Carleton CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$78,500Mid-Career Pay:$155,500% High Meaning:53%% STEM Degrees:48%
Rank:2School Name:Saint Johns UniversitySchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$77,700Mid-Career Pay:$141,300% High Meaning:49%% STEM Degrees:19%
Rank:3School Name:University of St Thomas (Minnesota)School Type:Private School, Religious, Research UniversityEarly Career Pay:$73,900Mid-Career Pay:$141,200% High Meaning:49%% STEM Degrees:24%
Rank:4School Name:University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesSchool Type:Research University, For Sports Fans, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$75,100Mid-Career Pay:$136,600% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:30%
Rank:5School Name:St Olaf CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$72,900Mid-Career Pay:$133,700% High Meaning:56%% STEM Degrees:25%
Rank:6School Name:Hamline UniversitySchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$65,900Mid-Career Pay:$131,200% High Meaning:55%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:7School Name:Gustavus Adolphus CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$67,700Mid-Career Pay:$130,400% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:20%
Rank:8School Name:Macalester CollegeSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$71,900Mid-Career Pay:$128,100% High Meaning:62%% STEM Degrees:34%
Rank:9School Name:College of Saint BenedictSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$64,400Mid-Career Pay:$126,700% High Meaning:60%% STEM Degrees:18%
Rank:10School Name:Dunwoody College of TechnologySchool Type:Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$71,900Mid-Career Pay:$125,600% High Meaning:62%% STEM Degrees:18%
Rank:11School Name:University of Minnesota-DuluthSchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$69,600Mid-Career Pay:$124,200% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:32%
Rank:12School Name:Saint Mary's University of MinnesotaSchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$68,100Mid-Career Pay:$121,700% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:5%
Rank:13School Name:Minnesota State University-MankatoSchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$67,100Mid-Career Pay:$116,400% High Meaning:54%% STEM Degrees:14%
Rank:14School Name:Augsburg UniversitySchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$66,000Mid-Career Pay:$115,100% High Meaning:57%% STEM Degrees:8%
Rank:15School Name:Bethel University (Minnesota)School Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$68,000Mid-Career Pay:$114,800% High Meaning:61%% STEM Degrees:10%
Rank:16School Name:Saint Cloud State UniversitySchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$68,000Mid-Career Pay:$114,100% High Meaning:57%% STEM Degrees:17%
Rank:17School Name:University of Minnesota-MorrisSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$61,900Mid-Career Pay:$113,600% High Meaning:50%% STEM Degrees:35%
Rank:18School Name:Minneapolis College of Art and DesignSchool Type:Art, Private SchoolEarly Career Pay:$60,600Mid-Career Pay:$112,900% High Meaning:39%% STEM Degrees:0%
Rank:19School Name:The College of Saint ScholasticaSchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$72,700Mid-Career Pay:$112,600% High Meaning:69%% STEM Degrees:9%
Rank:20School Name:Concordia University-Saint PaulSchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$64,600Mid-Career Pay:$112,200% High Meaning:68%% STEM Degrees:5%
Rank:21School Name:Winona State UniversitySchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$66,200Mid-Career Pay:$110,600% High Meaning:52%% STEM Degrees:11%
Rank:22School Name:University of Minnesota-CrookstonSchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$66,400Mid-Career Pay:$109,200% High Meaning:56%% STEM Degrees:4%
Rank:23School Name:St Catherine UniversitySchool Type:Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$66,300Mid-Career Pay:$106,600% High Meaning:66%% STEM Degrees:2%
Rank:24School Name:Concordia College at MoorheadSchool Type:Liberal Arts School, Private School, ReligiousEarly Career Pay:$61,800Mid-Career Pay:$106,400% High Meaning:64%% STEM Degrees:23%
Rank:25School Name:Minnesota State University MoorheadSchool Type:State SchoolEarly Career Pay:$60,200Mid-Career Pay:$105,600% High Meaning:55%% STEM Degrees:7%

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