Cost of Living in Rich Creek, Virginia

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Rich Creek, Virginia's cost of living is 6% lower than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area. PayScale's Cost of Living Calculator can help you find out more about how your individual needs will factor in when beginning your research to figure out how much it would cost you to relocate.

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Cost of Living in Rich Creek, Virginia by Expense Category

Housing, Utilities & Transportation
Rich Creek's housing expenses are 11% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 8% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 9% lower than the national average.
Median Home Price
Median Rent
$1,352 / month
Energy Bill
$183.46 / month
Phone Bill
$177.48 / month
$3.08 / gallon
Food & Grocery
Rich Creek has grocery prices that are 3% lower than the national average.
Loaf of Bread
Gallon of Milk
Carton of Eggs
Bunch of Bananas
Healthcare in Rich Creek is 7% lower than the national average.
Doctor's Visit
Dentist Visit
Optometrist Visit
Rx Drug
Veterinary Visit